Convergence is a global phenomenon. It is a likely destination for the news media in many parts of the world, though the duration of the journey will vary from country to country. Some media organisations are eagerly embracing the concept, seeing it as a way to deal with an uncertain future.(Quinn and Quinn-Allan 2005)
1. Which traditional media are bound to disappear or transform to covergence? Why?
Digital COnvergence is replacing and modernizing the new ways of getting things done so easily,base on my knowledge i dont think that media organizations are bound to disappear due to convergence.but i strongly agree that traditional media will be transform by convergence in various ways,for examaple the internet is competiting with other business media such as news broadcasters,travel agencies,radio musics,TV programs & docummentary etc,all this things will be highly transformed because the internet has all the features and it is been made easy in such a way that any one in a developed country or with a phone that is connected to the internet can easily seacrh for flight and time of travel,read news online,watch TV programs & documentary's,chat and see the wheather forcast.
2. Will the convergence make london an even more multicultral and creative city?
Yes convergence will make london more multicultural and creative is a multicultural and creative city and embracing convergence will make it more multicultural because of various nationals with vest culture and business ideas,due to the high speed of internet browsing,some one who has been hearing about the culture of a certain country can easily watch the documemtary,videos on youtube or better still attainding various festivals which different conutry's celebrate their culture here in london.(eg nottinghill festival)
3. Will convergence make the Creative and Cultural Industries more diverse or will it encourage segregation?
I dont think convergence will encourage segragation in the creative and cultural industries because various companys strive to grow and they have policys and code of conduct that the staff must adhere to.if their is any misunderstanding in any organisation,the members of the organization resolve the problems within them amicably,this is because any organisation with staff that encourages segragation will ruin the i believe that this new digital technology will make the creative & cultural industries more diverse and this can be archieved by embracing the convergence. however according to BBC chairman Sir Christopher Bland in its 1996/97 annual report talks of preparing the BBC for the "impending digital revolution". "The entire broadcasting industry is experiencing massive changes and so far we have seen only the tip of the iceberg.Digital technology will allow choice and encourage competition on an unprecedented scale. Broadcasting will become both more disparate and more global, and certainly more commercial".
Birt, J (Director-General, BBC), 1996
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